Components that help in providing a push or physical containment to several power units that are embedded in an electrical or electronic device are known as power modules. Among the most common devices where the use of power modules can be seen are semiconductor units, which are also called dies. They are soldered to the power electronic substrate that comprises of the power semiconductor, which allows for the supply of electrical and thermal contact, and electrical insulation, whenever required. Power modules have high power density, which makes them more durable and extremely reliable. In addition to this, power modules also allow for an efficient operation of electrical or electronic devices. Today, with several advancements in technology, power modules manufacturers have come up with several advanced products that can be used in a range of electrical and electronic devices for more effective and convenient operations.
The first power module was introduced in 1975. Ever since, they have contributed to the constructive operation of power devices. In addition to their extensive use in semiconductors, power modules are also used in power conversion devices like industrial motor drives, AC-DC, welded power supplies, and embedded motor drives. They can be also used in renewable energy inverters like wind turbines, electric vehicles (EV), tidal power plants, and solar power panels, to name a few.
Types of Power Modules
There are various types of power modules available today. However, the following are the main types that are offered by power modules manufacturers -
- Thyristor Modules: These are latch type modules that turn ON when the holding current reaches the required level and goes OFF when there is an alteration in the current. They are mainly used in welding machines, electric furnaces, motor controls, static switches, etc.
- SiC-SBD: Another popular type of power module is the SiC-SBD module. It is designed with material characteristics that help in achieving significant power savings in home appliances that require heavy power.
- IGBT: IGBT power modules help in converting direct current to alternating current with minimal loss. They are used in various industrial applications as well as for wind power generation.
Power modules also have different network topologies for their operation. With the help of power modules, the needed power control of a device’s operation can be achieved efficiently.
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