A semiconductor is a component that is designed to control and manage the current flow in electronic devices. A semiconductor is placed between an insulator and a conductor and is generally used in designing computing components, electronic chips, and devices. It is made using germanium, silicon, and other kinds of pure elements.
How are they made?
Semiconductors are developed by mixing impurities to the constituent. The inductance or conductance of the component depends on the variety and magnitude of the added impurities.
There are two primary kinds of semiconductors that include an N-type which is utilized in case of its higher conductance or there are a huge number of free electrons. The second one is the P-type of semiconductor which is utilized when its inductance is higher, and it has a smaller number of free electrons. Conventional components and devices created with the help of a semiconductor include transistors, integrated circuits, computer memory, and diodes.
Types of Semiconductor Devices
semiconductor industry is constantly growing in India and presenting new and advanced technologies in the market. These devices are also known as terminal devices. For instance, two-terminal devices are Laser diodes, Diodes, Solar cells, Zener diodes, Photocells, and Phototransistors. The instances of three-terminal semiconductor devices include IGBT, TRIAC, Field-effect transistor bipolar transistor, Thyristor, and Silicon-controlled rectifier, etc.
Transistors are of two types – field-effect transistor and bipolar junction transistor. The field-effect transistor functions on the base of conductivity which can be changed by the presence of an electric field. The second type of transistor is made by the fabrication of two p-n junctions in two diverse configurations such as n-p-n or p-n-p.
It is a semiconductor device that has a single p-n junction which is normally created by combining n-type and p-type semiconductor materials. The reason behind this type of formation is that the n-type area has excess electrons whereas the p-type part has excess holes. Due to this, the electrons go diffused from the n-type part to the p-type area. This process is used in producing light.