Thursday, 9 May 2019

All You Need To Know About Air Curtains

Air curtains are rarely found in homes and you are likely to encounter it in of the large commercial premises. Installing an air curtain in India provides advantages that go over and beyond the climatization of the area. Air curtains helps in energy saving, commercial profits, hygiene, and maintaining the environmental health of the area.

What Is An Air Curtain?

Air curtains are machines that look very similar to air conditioner. You will usually find air curtains installed above actual doors of a building. When air curtains are turned on, they create an air barrier between the air on the inside and the air on the outside. This barrier helps maintain the air temperature within the premises. For example, when you switch the air curtain on, the resultant barrier will keep the hot air inside during winters. The same applies to the cool air during summers. The barrier also helps keep the temperature low. So, when you open the door, nothing either gets in or out. The air barrier additionally prevents tiny insects and pollen entering inside the premises.

Some Advantages of Using Air Barriers

· You Save on Bills:

You will be saving money on electricity bills. For example, if you run a business and its winter. Customers keep opening or closing the door of your establishment. This will allow the cold air to get inside, forcing you to keep your heaters running for a long time. This will lead to higher electricity charges. But with an air curtain, you will be able to prevent the cold air from entering in, helping you save on electricity charges.

· Less Pollution:

Dust, pollen and other allergens can easily enter inside your building. This can affect your and your employees’ health. An air barrier prevents the allergens from entering the building.

· Facilitates in-out transit:

As you can keep the door open, almost always, you are not only facilitating easy in and out moment but also creating a more inviting environment for your shop, as customers are more likely to walk in when they see an open door.

How to choose the right Air Curtain

When it comes to buying an air curtain, size is the most important aspect that you need to take into consideration. Most people think that installing an air curtain over a tiny door would allow them reap the benefits. But this is not how air curtains work. By installing a large air curtain over a small entrance, you would be wasting money. This is due to the fact that around half of the air curtain would be serving no purpose. You need to purchase an air curtain that fits the door perfectly. You can ask the air curtain supplier or seller to help you select the best air curtain based on the door size.

Another thing that you need to take care of would be the price of the equipment. You wouldn’t want to spend a huge amount of money on a product when cheaper options can be availed. Keep in mind that price grows higher with the size of the door.

Finally, you need to assess the kind of air curtain you require. Do you want heated or unheated? Both of them have different uses. Heated air curtains are perfect for places where it is cold, especially during the winter season. Unheated ones work great for summers.